Minutes of the participation in housing trials I + II

CONTACTAudrey Podann, Marietta Müller

On 26 April 2017 and 27 April 2017, the first two trialogues in the "Participation in housing construction" series were held. Urban conflicts surrounding the topic of new construction and densification as well as the opportunities and limitations of participation were collected and systematised in the discussion in order to achieve a common understanding of the problem and to identify challenges and prerequisites for participation processes.

The trialogue events were recorded and transcribed. The events were analysed on the basis of the transcripts. The evaluation focussed in particular on identifying possible basic consensus corridors between the participants, structuring different positions and their justifications and identifying framework conditions and criteria for participation in housing construction. This protocol summarises the results of both trialogues based on the discussion transcript and also serves as a basis for discussion for the third trialogue in the series "Access to participation and structures for participation" on 23 June 2017.

It is a "learning document" for the preparation of guidelines for participation.