The Climate Transparency Report 2022- G20 RESPONSE TO THE ENERGY CRISIS: CRITICAL FOR 1.5°C

AUTORSebastian Wegner, Florian Mersmann, Mariana Gutiérrez Grados

The Climate Transparency Report provides a concise overview of the key facts and figures on the state of climate performance of the G20 in a comparative stocktake. The analysis covers adaptation, mitigation and finance, with 20 detailed country profiles of all G20 members and a summary of key findings. In 2022, the report especially highlights the link between the climate emergency and energy crisis.

Developed by experts from 16 partner organisations from the majority of the G20 countries, the report informs policy makers and stimulates national debates. Thanks to comparable and concise information, the Climate Transparency Report serves as a useful reference for decision makers and actors, and also for those central for climate for whom climate is not central.

The eighth edition of the Climate Transparency Report highlights the link between the climate and energy crises. The review is based on 100 indicators for adaptation, mitigation and finance with detailed country profiles of all G20 members and a summary of key findings.