12 insights to move beyond coal towards net-zero

DATUMJanuary 2021
AUTORHannah Schindler and Catrina Godinho, Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform gGmbH hosting the International Secretariat of Climate Transparency in cooperation with Climate Analytics gGmbH

This booklet of infographics breaks down the top 12 things you need to know on the G20 countries’ transition beyond coal towards net-zero emissions.

Nearly a third of global energy-related CO2 emissions come from the coal sector. To meet the Paris Agreement, countries urgently need to deliver plans for the global and local phase-out of coal, and to facilitate a just transition.

This booklet shows that there is a global shift away from coal by examining coal power capacities, policies and finance and looks into investment alternatives for a green and modern energy system with a focus on renewables and (green) hydrogen.

It has been produced as part of the event series “Beyond Coal – Towards Net-Zero Emissions” in Japan, South Korea and China in the run up to COP26.