What we stand for

Climate change, poverty and injustice, global migration, demographic change, depletion of natural resources, corruption and mismanagement - these issues represent some of the greatest social challenges of our time. Previous approaches to solving these problems always reach their limits - and not just those of national states. New ways of thinking, transformative visions and processes orientated towards the common good must be developed for these complex problems in order to find sustainable solutions. Participation and transparency are elementary components of this.

Our goals

We create spaces for everyone working towards a just and sustainable future to develop resilient solutions. Whether in their own community or globally, actors from politics, administration, civil society or business are working on solutions to important issues. We bring these actors together locally and globally to find multi-perspective answers to complex questions and to bundle potential in order to shape the future in a sustainable and just way. Our approach is to not only demand change, but to change practice ourselves. 

We bring together multiple perspectives and combine experience-based knowledge and scientific expertise. Power hierarchies make some perspectives more visible than others, although all perspectives are relevant for a sustainable and just future. We bring the different perspectives in a direct conversation and enable an equal negotiation of positions and needs.

We promote transparent and participatory governance. The socio-ecological transformation is not a linear process and requires a creative and dynamic approach to live up to the challenges of the future. We facilitate knowledge to better understand the now and the tomorrow and to enable change towards a just and sustainable future.

Our history

Since 2014, the year we were founded, we have been working as a non-profit organisation to promote good governance. Initially under the name HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, since 2022 under the name Berlin Governance Platform. For us, good governance means, in particular, strengthening the legitimacy and sustainability of democratic processes and decisions.

On this basis, we develop concepts and projects in line with our conviction that processes that promote democracy must be based on a diversity of perspectives and partnership at eye level.

The Berlin Governance Platform team realising a teambuilding task on a team day.

Our team

We are a multidisciplinary team with a unique combination of experts on various policy areas and specialists for innovative methods. Our approach is interdisciplinary and we promote multi-perspective work within the team.

Partners & sponsors

We work with various private and public funders to drive our projects forward. These partnerships give us access to a broad network of resources and expertise to develop innovative solutions and make our work sustainable.