How can a transition to sustainable transport and mobility systems be achieved in Germany that contributes as effectively as possible to the achievement of global sustainability goals?
This is one of the questions being addressed by the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 (wpn2030) with the aim of developing scientifically based recommendations for action for political stakeholders. To this end, the "Mobility" working group was formed via the platform in 2017, led by Prof Dirk Messner (Co-Chair of wpn2030), Ursula Mathar (BMW Group, wpn2030 steering committee member) and Christian Hochfeld (Agora Verkehrswende).
In this context, the trialogue "Sustainable travel - making mobility attractive now" was organised with the Berlin Governance Platform. This paper is the report on the results of the trialogue.
A broad interdisciplinary exchange with the scientific community as well as a transdisciplinary exchange with politics, business and civil society in several steps is crucial for the further work of the working group.