What strategies are needed for a transport revolution in Berlin? How can environmentally friendly modes of transport be digitally networked? What incentives are there to bring about a change in the mobility behaviour of urban society? These and other questions were discussed by over 60 participants at our Trialog® "Urban mobility: What transport transition does Berlin need?" on 25 June 2018.
Our first Trialogue® as part of the New Urban Agenda Berlin project, which we organised together with the Technical University of Berlin The event focussed on the question of how a transport transition in Berlin should be structured. Participants from science, politics and administration, business and organised civil society spent a day discussing urgent challenges and options for action.
Our Trialogues® are transcribed and analysed by social scientists. The results are published here in the detailed report "Urban mobility: What transport transition does Berlin need?". It contains arguments and their justifications from all Trialogue participants and sets them in relation to each other. As part of our New Urban Agenda Berlin project, which we are conducting together with the Technical University of Berlin, these interfaces between science and urban society will subsequently serve as points of reference for initiating transdisciplinary projects.