Lea Rau is an advocacy and communications officer in the Re:Match project and represents the BGP in the CERV project Cities4Refugees and in the civil society network From The Sea To The City. With the goal of a human rights-based EU migration policy, she is particularly interested in promoting cross-organisational cooperation between different actors and forging alliances.
Before joining the Berlin Governance Platform, Lea worked for GIZ and Amnesty International Germany as well as independently in the fields of political education on civilian sea rescue, development cooperation and security policy. Through the grassroots think tank Polis180, she is committed to feminist development cooperation and human rights-based migration policy. Through her voluntary work on land for civil sea rescue and at the Greek external border in crisis response for people seeking protection arriving there, she can contribute important practical insights to her work.
Lea holds an M.A. degree in International Relations from Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität Berlin and the University of Potsdam.