In 2017, a project between the state-owned housing associations and the non-profit HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform Guidelines for good participation in housing construction have been developed. Since then, the state-owned companies have been applying the guidelines for participation and have gained initial experience. In a further project phase in 2019/2020, a first review has now been carried out. After all, those who occasionally look back are better equipped for the road ahead: positive experiences such as successes and challenges such as overcoming obstacles are essential in order to be able to react appropriately and adapt one's own actions accordingly. The HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform has therefore conducted a study on behalf of the state-owned housing associations in order to draw an initial interim balance of the application of the guidelines. The HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform used a two-stage process to determine the opinions expressed: Through interviews with experts* and a discussion event using the trialogue method. In the present flyer the results are now summarised.