02 May 2023
Like many other actors, we are currently working intensively on ideas, strategies and tools with which we can continue to advocate for people seeking protection and for a progressive asylum and migration policy under these new conditions. This is necessary, because the reform will hardly provide an improvement in the situation of people seeking protection at our external borders and in the EU - on the contrary, a further deterioration must be assumed.
Various parties have repeatedly and distinctly communicated what the reform (which is aimed at sealing off the EU), means for people seeking protection here in the EU. A look at Greece, where the so-called hotspot approach has been a reality for years, also allows worrying conclusions to be drawn about the consequences of the reform. In this context, European municipalities are concerned with the question of how the changes at the EU's external borders will affect the local level.
We are convinced that the implementation of the reform must be orientated towards people seeking protection and local authorities. Ideas on how this can be achieved are available at the BGP - on housing, municipal and civil society networks and, of course, our Re:Match - Relocation via Matching programme. We always tackle challenges pragmatically, responsibly, ambitiously, working hand in hand with local authorities and in a spirit of solidarity. We ensure that our ideas benefit both parties - protection-seekers and migrants as well as local stakeholders.
Our Re:Match project in particular harbours great potential, as the consistent implementation of relocations under the EU solidarity mechanism is a political and technical opportunity. In order to organise relocations fairly and effectively and to support integration, opportunities for participation and the right to have a say are needed for those who ultimately build a common future - i.e. for host communities and those seeking protection. Matching oriented on Re:Match can make this possible and - at least in this respect - mean real reform and solidarity.