Knowledge Atlases

Knowledge Atlases present complex topics in a clear and interactive way. Using an online tool which we specifically developed for this purpose, the different fields of knowledge are displayed similarly to a mind map. Knowledge Atlases function as a flexible alternative or supplement to conventional reporting or documentation and can be used e.g. for discussion events, research fields, or research projects. 

Knowledge Atlases enable flexible documentation

The mind map format provides readers with a quick overview of the documented topic. In contrast to conventional reporting formats, they can interact with the atlas independently. In addition, knowledge atlases are expandable through their web integration. An atlas can thus also be used as a "living document". Integration of video material is also possible. 

Inclusion of the discussion atlas of the trialogue series Additional benefits as a driver of energy-efficient building refurbishment
All knowledge atlases of the Berlin Governance Platform.


Clarity: Knowledge Atlases present complex topics in a clear and descriptive way. Within a short time, readers get an overview even of difficult topics.

Interactivity: Topics can be clicked on and expanded. This allows readers to interact independently with a knowledge atlas. 

Wide range of applications: Knowledge atlases are suited to many projects, such as the results of a discussion, a research field, or a completed research project.

Works as a "living document": Knowledge atlases can be expanded and updated anytime. In this way, a knowledge atlas can function as a "living document" (see for example the Research Atlas on "Social cohesion"  which was produced in cooperation with the Berlin University Alliance). 

Projects with this format

  • Photo of participants in the trialogue "Nutrition, health and social cohesion"

    Trialogue series Social Cohesion

    As part of BUA's "Grand Challenge Social Cohesion" initiative, the three- part trialogue series "Social Cohesion" was held in late summer and fall 2022. The focus was on the transdisciplinary exchange of 6 Exploration Projects [...]
  • Research atlas "Social cohesion" in cooperation with the BUA

    Research atlas "Social cohesion"

    The interactive research atlas "Social Cohesion" visualises the current research activities on the topic of social cohesion in the Berlin research area.  
  • Additional benefits as a driver of energy-efficient building refurbishment

    The project "Additional benefits as a driver of energy-efficient building refurbishment" aimed to bring more clarity to the social debate on the multiple benefits of energy-efficient refurbishment.
  • Participatory development in Lusatia

    The coal phase-out is linked to the need to make our society and our economy more climate- and resource-friendly. Surveys show that a large proportion of the population supports the climate policy goals. But if [...]