

Veranstaltung: Jetzt erst recht! Kommunen als Keimzellen der Demokratie

Wir laden ein: Kommen Sie mit uns und unseren Partner*innen der Kommunalen Entwicklungsbeiräte ins Gespräch - 20. Februar, 19.00 Uhr

»Bei manchen hat es richtig gezündet«

Wie Kommunale Entwicklungsbeiräte das Engagement vor Ort fördern und Bürger*innen zur aktiven Teilnahme an der Kommunalpolitik motivieren – ein Rückblick auf die Prozesse des Modellprojekts für VORAN.

Why our democracy needs a "living basic consensus"

Berlin Governance Platform founder Gesine Schwan illustrates how municipal development councils strengthen democracy and the common good.

"Democracy is manual labour"

In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, BGP Managing Director Daphne Büllesbach discusses the "state of health" of European democracy.

Combined expertise: Joint development of municipal strategies for sustainability & climate adaptation

In a new article for the Citizen Participation Network, Inga Lutosch and Laura Gerards Iglesias explain the experiences and potential of municipal development councils with regard to the development of municipal sustainability and climate adaptation concepts.

Of rain gardens, solar systems and cooperatives

The Weißwasser/O.L. Municipal Development Advisory Board has submitted its recommendations for a sub-strategy on energy, climate and urban development to the town council.

Strengthening democracy at local level

Gesine Schwan & Laura Gerards Iglesias in an interview on local development councils with DEMO, the social democratic magazine for local politics.

Municipal development councils honoured as "Proven on site"

Our municipal development councils have been awarded a seal of approval for administrative innovation by the German Association of Towns and Municipalities and the Re:Form initiative.

Multi-stakeholder deliberation: an opportunity for the common good and basic democratic consensus

Prof Dr Gesine Schwan sheds light on the democratic-theoretical and democratic-political function of municipal development councils in contrast to citizens' councils.

Municipal development councils conceptualised in concrete terms

Building on the experience gained in the pilot project "Shaping the future together locally!" 2021 - 2023, the concept of municipal development councils is presented in detail for the first time.
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