
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: third relocation & admission via matching successful! Next steps: Evaluation and political communication " from September 2023 for the migration project Re:Match - Relocation via Matching of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: third relocation & admission via matching successful! Next steps: evaluation and political communication

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 26 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: First relocation & admission via matching successful!" from July 2023 for a migration project of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: second relocation & admission via matching successful!

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 26 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.
A screenshot of the WDR article "Düsseldorf tests system for refugee distribution" The Re:Match project was portrayed in a new WDR audio report, among other things about the project status in our partner municipality Düsseldorf and our goal of piloting a needs-based and individualised distribution mechanism using an algorithm.

WDR: "Düsseldorf tests system for refugee distribution"

The Re:Match project was portrayed in a new WDR audio report, among other things about the project status in our partner municipality Düsseldorf and our goal of piloting a demand-oriented and individualised distribution mechanism using an algorithm.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: First relocation & admission via matching successful!" from May 2023 for a migration project of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: first relocation & admission via matching successful!

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 20 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.
Screenshot of a ZEIT ONLINE article "Matching for refugees" Re:Match - Relocation via Matching The Re:Match project was presented in a new ZEIT ONLINE article: How can refugees be better distributed in Germany? Algorithms will soon help: people say what they need and local authorities say what they can offer.

ZEIT-ONLINE: "Matching for refugees"

The Re:Match project was presented in a new ZEIT ONLINE article: How can refugees in Germany be better distributed? Algorithms will soon help: people say what they need and local authorities say what they can offer.
RE:MATCH - Relocation via Matching Header Blogpost Announcement Our new project Re:Match aims to pilot an innovative model for a better, human rights-based and more sustainable distribution of protection seekers in Europe and thus offer a solution to the current challenges in the reception and (European) redistribution of refugees from Ukraine.  

Project launch Re:Match

Our new project Re:Match aims to pilot an innovative model for a better, human rights-based and more sustainable distribution of people seeking protection in Europe and thus offer a solution to the current challenges in the reception and (European) redistribution of refugees from Ukraine.  

Panel discussion "Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue"

Cities are important places for understanding migrant integration and refugee protection around the world. Although nation-states typically claim authority over the selection and reception of migrants and refugees, cities are usually the places where migrants and refugees integrate into the social fabric of society, and where they are...

New coalition - new opportunities for migration and asylum policy?

In contrast to the 2017 federal elections, migration and asylum policy issues only played a subordinate role in this year's election campaign. Nevertheless, there is hope that a new government will tackle the challenges of this policy area more strongly after the elections.
Overview of a map showing networks and players in the field of migration and refugees. In recent years, cities and municipalities throughout Europe have shown their voluntary willingness to take in people seeking protection. These welcoming municipalities are growing in number and, together with the many civil society groups, stand for a Europe of solidarity that respects human rights and takes responsibility for the protection of human lives.

Digital Mapping: Cities and civil society networks for a Welcoming Europe

Cities and municipalities across Europe have shown their voluntary willingness to take in people seeking protection in recent years. These welcoming municipalities are growing in number and, together with the many civil society groups, they stand for a Europe of solidarity that respects human rights and takes responsibility for the protection of human lives.

From fortress to safe harbour. What options are there for safe and organised escape routes?

Since 2015, talk of the supposed refugee crisis has been omnipresent. According to the UNHCR, over 80 million people worldwide were on the run at the end of 2020, but most of them do not make it to Europe and remain in the Global South. In reality, the crisis lies in the lack of access to protection via regulated, safe routes to Europe.
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