

Panel discussion: "Amplifying local voices, shaping CEAS implementation plans"

The BGP & Eurocities invite you to an insightful online panel exploring the role cities and city networks can play in light of the evolving CEAS-reform.

How German parties position themselves on the distribution and reception of asylum seekers

What do the German parties, which belong to different political groups in the EU Parliament, think about issues of intra-European solidarity and the distribution of people seeking protection? We asked them.

Re:Match - Relocation via Matching enters its second phase

Following the successful Re:Match pilot phase in 2024, we are now looking forward to starting the second phase together with Right to Protection!

Relocations are part of the solution, new camps are not!

At the beginning of April, the European Parliament voted in favour of the reform of the Common European Asylum System, thereby sealing that this reform will become law. The European Commission and the member states will work out the implementation plans in the coming months. We, and many others, are currently working intensively on ideas, strategies and tools to help us navigate these new conditions.

Online Event "Local Innovation in Migration Governance: Sharing Best Practices in Cities"

Cities in all EU member states develop best practices for successful integration based on their unique expertise and hand in hand with their civil society.

Re:Match reports & invitation to the official report launch

Re:Match has gained unique expertise with the successful piloting of individualised and demand-oriented relocation of protection seekers via algorithm-based matching. The technical and political findings and the resulting recommendations for decision-makers will be presented on February 13 in the form of two reports at a digital launch event.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: third relocation & admission via matching successful! Next steps: Evaluation and political communication " from September 2023 for the migration project Re:Match - Relocation via Matching of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: third relocation & admission via matching successful! Next steps: evaluation and political communication

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 26 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: First relocation & admission via matching successful!" from July 2023 for a migration project of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: second relocation & admission via matching successful!

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 26 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.
A screenshot of the WDR article "Düsseldorf tests system for refugee distribution" The Re:Match project was portrayed in a new WDR audio report, among other things about the project status in our partner municipality Düsseldorf and our goal of piloting a needs-based and individualised distribution mechanism using an algorithm.

WDR: "Düsseldorf tests system for refugee distribution"

The Re:Match project was portrayed in a new WDR audio report, among other things about the project status in our partner municipality Düsseldorf and our goal of piloting a demand-oriented and individualised distribution mechanism using an algorithm.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: First relocation & admission via matching successful!" from May 2023 for a migration project of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: first relocation & admission via matching successful!

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 20 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.
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