Climate Compatible Export Credit Policies: Aligning International Energy Finance for net-zero economy

Effective climate policy needs dialogue. In a series of online events, topics relating to international financing for the energy transition in the Asian region were discussed in a national and supranational context.

The first phase of the project aimed to raise awareness that the export of coal technology supported by export credit agencies is not compatible with the Paris Agreement and to raise awareness of the transparency and reporting requirements for export credit agencies. Online dialogues with China, Japan and South Korea were conducted with the support of the German missions in the three countries. Three successful events were held online.

In the second phase, the project placed a special focus on better aligning international energy finance from three countries with the Paris goal by facilitating bilateral and multilateral dialogues in South Korea, Japan and Indonesia. Using a similar format, country representatives from all three countries and external experts discussed customised options for promoting climate-friendly international financing in line with the countries' self-declarations in three further online events.


09/2020 – 04/2021; 06/2021 – 02/2022


Federal Foreign Office


Hannah Schindler, Catrina Laura Godinho, Florian Mersmann, Gerd Leipold


Beijing University (China), IESR (Indonesia), SFOC (South Korea), TERI (India)


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