The European Integration and Development Fund

A progressive approach to European solidarity

Municipalities that agree to take in people seeking protection should be incentivised financially. To this end, we propose the establishment of an EU fund to which municipalities can apply directly for financial resources. In addition to the costs of reception and integration, local authorities can receive the same amount of funding for their own municipal development.

Logo European Integration and Development Fund for Local Authorities

Project overview

Cities and municipalities are key players in the reception of migrants and people seeking protection. They are responsible for the provision of housing, integration into the local labour market and the provision of social services such as healthcare, childcare and education. At the same time, they are notoriously underfunded and excluded from most EU decisions on asylum and migration policy. Nevertheless, many municipalities across Europe have declared in recent years that they are willing to voluntarily accept additional migrants and protection seekers and have shown their willingness to participate in resettlement from countries of first arrival. Although municipalities do not have the legal powers to participate directly in resettlement programmes, their willingness to take in protection seekers could be used to overcome the political blockade at European level. To do so, they would have to be provided with adequate resources by the European Union, among other things.

European funding for host municipalities

As a way to support voluntary reception by municipalities, we propose the establishment of an independent European "Integration and Development Fund", from which municipalities could receive reimbursements for reception costs and the same amount for their own municipal development. Such an innovative combination of integration and municipal development measures would provide municipalities with adequate funding and transform the reception of refugees from a financial burden into an opportunity for sustainable development at local level. This fund can give cities an incentive and greater room for manoeuvre to work towards humanitarian, sustainable and inclusive solutions. Especially in times of rising anti-migration sentiment and the reluctance of EU member states to participate in intra-European programmes for the redistribution of refugees, this municipal approach offers a new perspective for progressive European solidarity.

Legal opinion

However, the joint financing of urban development and integration in a common fund and the direct transfer of EU funds to municipalities and cities raises legal and practical questions. Do the EU treaties authorise such a fund? And how should it be organised so that it is a useful and accessible instrument for both large and small cities and municipalities? In order to discuss these legal and practical challenges and possibilities, we have commissioned a legal opinion together with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and discussed this with European stakeholders and legal experts.

Policy Brief

There are also limited opportunities for cities and municipalities to apply for direct EU funding for reception and integration costs. However, the procedure is often complex and the costs for local authorities are very high. In a policy brief, we provide an overview of the various EU funding mechanisms in this area.


2020 – 2022


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Brussels



European municipalities take direct responsibility for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees. Yet they are notoriously underfunded and excluded from most EU decisions on asylum and migration policy. This policy brief sheds light on the complexity, effort and prospects of accessing EU funding for reception and integration costs in municipalities. We provide an overview of the different EU funding mechanisms in this area, the basic functioning of the funds and the controversial debates around the current EU budget 2021-2027. Given the persistent shortcomings in terms of access to and participation of municipalities in the programming of funds, we conclude the policy brief with some recommendations.
A screenshot of the title of the legal opinion "Integration and Development Fund". The European Union's refugee policy lacks a medium and long-term strategy that supports actors in the EU who are willing to receive and integrate refugees. This includes, in particular, local authorities, which have not yet been sufficiently recognised as independent actors. In order not to view the reception of refugees as a burden, but rather to utilise it as an opportunity for sustainable development, we propose that the EU should set up an independent "Integration and Development Fund". From this, municipalities that participate in a relocation programme for people seeking protection from Europe's external borders could receive direct funding for the reception and integration of refugees. Our proposal envisages that they would also receive the same amount of funding for their own municipal development projects. From the perspective of EU law, the first question that arises is whether the European Union is authorised under primary law to establish such a fund. The legal opinion examines precisely this question.
A screenshot of the homepage of the short concept "Direct financing of municipalities through a European development and integration fund". Europe should strengthen the voluntary reception of refugees by cities and municipalities with an investment initiative. Additional funding should give municipalities more room for manoeuvre. Those municipalities that are willing to take in refugees should be reimbursed for the costs of reception and integration directly from a European development and integration fund. Municipalities wishing to take on more responsibility would thus have the financial means to do so. As an additional incentive, they should receive the same amount of funding for their own municipal development. In this way, towns and municipalities could experience a revitalisation not only economically, but also culturally, as funds would be available for cultural projects, for example.  This concept outlines how such a fund could be financed.

Further projects on the topic of migration

  • Logo and a municipality from the Berlin Governance Platform's Re:Match pilot project in four colours. The individual pieces of the symbol match with the others to create a matching whole.

    Re:Match - needs-based and individualised relocation of protection seekers via algorithm-based matching

    Re:Match is piloting a needs-based and individualised relocation of people seeking protection via algorithm-based matching in municipalities ready to accept them as an innovative contribution to a human rights-based European migration policy.
  • This header image shows a symbol for networking in the colours of the Berlin Governance Platform over a picture of a municipality. The project for this is in the area of migration and is called Networks for a Welcoming Europe.

    Networks for a Welcoming Europe

    In a map, actors and networks in the field of migration in Europe were identified and networked, and strategic partnerships were established.
  • Photo of participants in the trialogue "Nutrition, health and social cohesion"

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  • The European Integration and Development Fund

    Municipalities that agree to take in people seeking protection should be incentivised financially. To this end, we propose the establishment of an EU fund to which municipalities can apply directly for financial resources [...]