Relocation via Matching: Wie bewerten Re:Match-Partnerkommunen das datengestützte Matching von Schutzsuchenden und Städten?

Re:Match-Partnerkommunen berichten über ihre Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen des datengestützten Matchings von Schutzsuchenden und Städten.

Stellenausschreibung: Geschäftsführer*in

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Re:Match Data-Driven Matching of Refugees and Cities An Implementation Guide

Re:Match – Data-Driven Matching of Refugees and Cities - An Implementation Guide

Zwei Jahre lang hat Re:Match – Relocation via Matching ein Verfahren zum datengestützten Matching von Schutzsuchenden und Städten pilotiert. Mit unserem jetzt neu veröffentlichten Leitfaden bieten wir eine praktische Handreichung...

Kick-Off: Energy Transition Town Twinnings 3.0

From 19 to 20 November Berlin Governance Plattform and the Renewable Energy Agency had the pleasure to welcome representatives from eight municipalities...

Webinar-Invitation: Implementing Data-Driven Matching of Refugees and Cities

After two years of successful piloting, Re:Match has summarized key learnings and recommendations on data-driven Matching of Refugees and Cities in an Implementation Guide for practitioners and advocats. Join us...

»Bei manchen hat es richtig gezündet«

Wie Kommunale Entwicklungsbeiräte das Engagement vor Ort fördern und Bürger*innen zur aktiven Teilnahme an der Kommunalpolitik motivieren – ein Rückblick auf die Prozesse des Modellprojekts für VORAN.

Energiewende kennt keine Grenzen

Europa besteht aus mehr als der EU und ihren direkten Nachbarländern – es sind die Kommunen und ihre Bürger*innen, die Europa gestalten. Trotz regionaler Unterschiede gibt es viele gemeinsame Ziele...

Re:Match results after six months: From arrival to belonging

Re:Match has acquired unique expertise with the successful piloting of the individualised and needs-based relocation of protection seekers via algorithm-based matching.

Guidelines for action: How municipalities can protect people

The Moving Cities Action Guide presents 20 concrete ways in which cities in solidarity can contribute to the reception and relocation of refugees from abroad.
A participating child from the Re.Match project painted a photo of their idea of their new home town for the coordinators. It shows a house, a large rainbow, a car, the sun and a unicorn. The family of asylum seekers from Ukraine was matched to Düsseldorf. Relocation via matching: a family reports on their journey to Germany

Relocation via matching: a family reports on their journey to Germany

A family reports on their journey from Ukraine via Poland to Germany and their experiences with the Berlin Governance Platform's Re:Match - Relocation via Matching project.
Logo and a municipality from the Berlin Governance Platform's Re:Match pilot project in four colours. The individual pieces of the symbol match with the others to create a matching whole.

Re:Match in its second year: new matching and relocation phase successfully implemented

In the 2nd project phase of Re:Match, German municipalities once again welcomed Ukrainian protection seekers after our algorithm calculated the best available matches between cities and protection seekers.

"Migration policy must focus on people seeking protection and municipalities in order to work"

In an interview with Radio Fluchtpunkt on Antenne Münster, BGP speaker Lea Rau discusses EU migration policy.

Cities, raise your voices now amidst the EU's New Pact on Migration and Asylum

The BGP & Eurocities hosted an insightful online panel exploring the role cities and city networks can play in light of the evolving CEAS-reform.

Why our democracy needs a "living basic consensus"

Berlin Governance Platform founder Gesine Schwan illustrates how municipal development councils strengthen democracy and the common good.

"Democracy is manual labour"

In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, BGP Managing Director Daphne Büllesbach discusses the "state of health" of European democracy.

Panel discussion: "Amplifying local voices, shaping CEAS implementation plans"

The BGP & Eurocities invite you to an insightful online panel exploring the role cities and city networks can play in light of the evolving CEAS-reform.

How German parties position themselves on the distribution and reception of asylum seekers

What do the German parties, which belong to different political groups in the EU Parliament, think about issues of intra-European solidarity and the distribution of people seeking protection? We asked them.

Combined expertise: Joint development of municipal strategies for sustainability & climate adaptation

In a new article for the Citizen Participation Network, Inga Lutosch and Laura Gerards Iglesias explain the experiences and potential of municipal development councils with regard to the development of municipal sustainability and...

Re:Match - Relocation via Matching enters its second phase

Following the successful Re:Match pilot phase in 2024, we are now looking forward to starting the second phase together with Right to Protection!

Relocations are part of the solution, new camps are not!

At the beginning of April, the European Parliament voted in favour of the reform of the Common European Asylum System, thereby sealing that this reform will become law. The European Commission and the member states will be...

Of rain gardens, solar systems and cooperatives

The Weißwasser/O.L. Municipal Development Advisory Board has submitted its recommendations for a sub-strategy on energy, climate and urban development to the town council.

Strengthening democracy at local level

Gesine Schwan & Laura Gerards Iglesias in an interview on local development councils with DEMO, the social democratic magazine for local politics.

Municipal development councils honoured as "Proven on site"

Our municipal development councils have been awarded a seal of approval for administrative innovation by the German Association of Towns and Municipalities and the Re:Form initiative.

Multi-stakeholder deliberation: an opportunity for the common good and basic democratic consensus

Prof Dr Gesine Schwan sheds light on the democratic-theoretical and democratic-political function of municipal development councils in contrast to citizens' councils.

Online Event "Local Innovation in Migration Governance: Sharing Best Practices in Cities"

Cities in all EU member states develop best practices for successful integration based on their unique expertise and hand in hand with their civil society.

Municipal development councils conceptualised in concrete terms

Building on the experience gained in the pilot project "Shaping the future together locally!" 2021 - 2023, the concept of municipal development councils is presented in detail for the first time.

Re:Match reports & invitation to the official report launch

Re:Match has acquired unique expertise with the successful piloting of the individualised and needs-based relocation of protection seekers via algorithm-based matching. The technical and political findings as well as the resulting recommendations to...

G20 Acceleration Calls of Climate Transparency are out

Read "G20 Acceleration Call 2023 - From Coal to Renewables" and "G20 Acceleration Call 2023 - Oil and Gas" to learn more about the G20 transition away from fossil fuels

Making communication in municipalities more transparent and sustainable

Rottenburg Municipal Development Council presents recommendations - Deutschlandfunk reports.

Municipal Development Councils in Niesky and Hoyerswerda finalised

Recommendations have been ceremoniously handed over in both cities!

The role of socio-political actors in climate policy: Final report published!

The "Social Actors Project" of our Climate&Energy team, funded by the Allianz Foundation, is coming to an end. The final report is now available for download.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: third relocation & admission via matching successful! Next steps: Evaluation and political communication " from September 2023 for the migration project Re:Match - Relocation via Matching of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: third relocation & admission via matching successful! Next steps: evaluation and political communication

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 26 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.

Kalletal Municipal Development Council Presents Recommendations

Development Council formulates goals and recommends specific measures to improve local healthcare.

Gesine Schwan on Municipal Development Councils in the Citizen Participation Handbook

Gesine Schwan has contributed an article on municipal development councils to the new edition of the Kursbuch Bürgerbeteiligung.

Democracy requires democrats

How can we support citizens in their self-efficacy as political subjects and arm them against the simplistic populism of the AFD? In the podcast "Politisches Feuilleton" from Deutschlandfunk Kultur...
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: First relocation & admission via matching successful!" from July 2023 for a migration project of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: second relocation & admission via matching successful!

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 26 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.

Municipal Development Councils - four new municipalities chosen!

On 6 June 2023, our expert jury selected four municipalities for the new project cycle 2023 - 2025. Until April 2025, the Berlin Governance Platform will accompany the cities of Cottbus, Duisburg, Frankfurt...

Transit Talk #11 - Has municipalism failed?

For the podcast Transit Talk by the Institut Solidarische Moderne, our managing director Daphne Büllesbach discussed the topic of the "Transit of the Future" with political scientist Raul Zelik, Lisa Jaspers from the Municipalism Working Group and Gesine Schwan, President of the Berlin Governance Platform...

Discussion round "Climate. Politics. Social."

In a panel discussion, we will present the results of our Social Actors project and offer a platform for an exchange of experiences between social policy actors on their role in the socio-ecological transformation.

Hoyerswerda Municipal Development Council: plans for the "Grüner Saum"

Hoyerswerda is a partner municipality in the pilot project Municipal Development Councils. Since January 2023, around 30 volunteer councillors in Hoyerswerda have been working on an overall concept for the green seam.
A screenshot of the WDR article "Düsseldorf tests system for refugee distribution" The Re:Match project was portrayed in a new WDR audio report, among other things about the project status in our partner municipality Düsseldorf and our goal of piloting a needs-based and individualised distribution mechanism using an algorithm.

WDR: "Düsseldorf tests system for refugee distribution"

The Re:Match project was portrayed in a new WDR audio report, among other things about the project status in our partner municipality Düsseldorf and our goal of developing a demand-oriented and individualised distribution mechanism using an algorithm.
A banner for the blog entry "Re:Match project: First relocation & admission via matching successful!" from May 2023 for a migration project of the Berlin Governance Platform.

Re:Match project: first relocation & admission via matching successful!

With the help of an algorithm-supported process, we successfully matched and relocated a group of 20 Ukrainian asylum seekers from Poland with the German municipalities this week.

Westfalen-Blatt: Kalletal takes a closer look at health care

The Kalletal Municipal Development Advisory Board (KEB) has now met for the first of four meetings in the Kalldorf village community centre. The discussions focussed on healthcare provision in the community.
Screenshot of a ZEIT ONLINE article "Matching for refugees" Re:Match - Relocation via Matching The Re:Match project was presented in a new ZEIT ONLINE article: How can refugees be better distributed in Germany? Algorithms will soon help: people say what they need and local authorities say what they can offer.

ZEIT-ONLINE: "Matching for refugees"

The Re:Match project was presented in a new ZEIT ONLINE article: How can refugees in Germany be better distributed? Algorithms will soon help: People say what they need and the...
RE:MATCH - Relocation via Matching Header Blogpost Announcement Our new project Re:Match aims to pilot an innovative model for a better, human rights-based and more sustainable distribution of protection seekers in Europe and thus offer a solution to the current challenges in the reception and (European) redistribution of refugees from Ukraine.  

Project launch Re:Match

Our new project Re:Match aims to pilot an innovative model for a better, human rights-based and more sustainable distribution of protection seekers in Europe and thus contribute to solving the current challenges in the protection...

Launch of pilot project "Shaping the future together locally"

"I thought we were doing citizen participation for rural health care, but I only really realised here how important this is for the development of democracy in our country in general!" This is how...

Panel discussion "Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue"

Cities are important places for understanding migrant integration and refugee protection around the world. Although nation states usually have the authority over the selection and reception of...

Glocal Governance - How to govern in the Anthropocene: New book publication by Anja Mihr

Anja Mihr, Director of the Centre on Governance through Human Rights, has published her new book "Glocal Governance - How to govern in the Anthropocene". In this book she deals with...

Municipal Development Councils Pilot Project: Partner Municipalities Selected

Between May 2022 and October 2023, the pilot project will accompany and support the five selected partner municipalities in setting up and implementing a Municipal Development Advisory Board. In this participation format, representatives from...
Inclusion of the participation atlas on municipal citizen participation in Lusatia

Interactive participation atlas on municipal citizen participation in Lusatia published

The project "Municipal citizen participation in Lusatia", funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), dealt with the question of what role citizen participation at municipal level can play in...

Municipal Development Councils - application phase has begun!

Municipalities with up to 50,000 inhabitants can now apply to take part in the pilot project Municipal Development Councils. Between May 2022 and October 2023, the pilot project will support four partner municipalities in setting up...

The Climate Transparency Report 2021

The Climate Transparency Report 2021 was published on 14 October 2021. The report is the world's most comprehensive annual report on G20 countries' climate action and their transition to a zero-emission economy....

New coalition - new opportunities for migration and asylum policy?

In contrast to the 2017 federal elections, migration and asylum policy issues only played a subordinate role in this year's election campaign. Nevertheless, there is hope that a new government after the elections will be able to meet the challenges...

The online publication of the Climate Transparency Report 2021

Two weeks ahead of the G20 summit in Rome and COP26 in Glasgow, Climate Transparency has published the Climate Transparency Report 2021 - the most comprehensive annual report on the climate activities of the...

What is transdisciplinarity? New book on transdisciplinary didactics published

A core topic of the HVGP is the promotion of transdisciplinarity. In contrast to interdisciplinarity or multidisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity incorporates knowledge and experiences that originate outside the scientific system. Transdisciplinary research does not question...
Overview of a map showing networks and players in the field of migration and refugees. In recent years, cities and municipalities throughout Europe have shown their voluntary willingness to take in people seeking protection. These welcoming municipalities are growing in number and, together with the many civil society groups, stand for a Europe of solidarity that respects human rights and takes responsibility for the protection of human lives.

Digital Mapping: Cities and civil society networks for a Welcoming Europe

Cities and municipalities across Europe have shown their voluntary willingness to take in people seeking protection in recent years. These welcoming municipalities are growing in number and, together with the many...

From fortress to safe harbour. What options are there for safe and organised escape routes?

Since 2015, talk of the supposed refugee crisis has been omnipresent. According to the UNHCR, more than 80 million people worldwide were displaced at the end of 2020, most of whom...

A Europe of solidarity between local authorities

70 years after the adoption of the Geneva Convention on Refugees, European asylum and migration policy is at an impasse. Yet the cities and municipalities in Europe are very willing to take in refugees. At the end of June,...

"From the Sea to the City - A Conference of Cities for a Europe of Solidarity"

On 25 and 26 June, mayors from across Europe will come together with civil society actors in Palermo for a Conference of Cities for a Europe of Solidarity to discuss solutions for the reception of...

Save the date! Conference "From the Sea to the City"

We are happy to finally announce the date of our joint conference! The conference will be organised by From the Sea to the City, a European civil society network in cooperation with the European...

Municipalities can do it! In favour of an initiative that combines integration and development in refugee policy

Cities and municipalities are not only key players when it comes to providing protection, integration and social cohesion, they are also centres for business and development. At the same time...

Project conclusion: Interim review of the guidelines for participation of the state-owned companies

In 2017, guidelines for good participation in housing construction were developed in a project between the state-owned housing associations and the non-profit HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform. Since then, the state-owned housing associations have been applying the...
From the Sea to the City - Migration - Publication Announcement As part of the From the Sea to the City consortium, we are very pleased to publish our first joint publication with key recommendations and best practices in the field of European migration. The recommendations are addressed to EU representatives, mayors, representatives of municipalities and civil society.

New publication: Ideas and best practices for a human rights-based European migration policy

As part of the From the See to the City consortium, we are delighted to launch our first joint publication with key recommendations and best practices in the field of European migration....

Film off! The partner city energy transition project says goodbye for the time being with a final video about the two-year cooperation

Municipalities play a key role in the European energy transition: this is where much of the European legislation is implemented, where renewable energy plants are built and where direct contact with citizens takes place.

Multi-stakeholder dialogue on housing supply in cities

The tight housing market is a real problem in many cities, especially in cities with a high proportion of tenants such as Berlin. 13 representatives from politics & administration, business and organised civil society...